候補地祈りこみのため。   2012/12月/29 [土]


奥羽山脈。   2012/12月/29 [土]



Film section   2012/12月/30 [日]

He is Pastor Moses Hikaru of film section!
He will go to Fukushima with us, and he will take a video!

Pastor Sanbonmatsu   2012/12月/30 [日]

He is Pastor Sanbonmatsu of a praise band “Gospel Seed”.
He is from Fukushima, so he has burden for the mutter of children’s care center!

To Fukushima   2012/12月/30 [日]

We will go to Fukushima!
May it will be fine!May it would not snow!

Will of the Lord   2012/12月/30 [日]

We will go to several places and have prayer time!

For the filming too   2012/12月/30 [日]

May the best will be done for video too.

Places in the city too   2012/12月/30 [日]

There aresome places of  site proposed in the city too.
I want to know where the will of the Lord Is!

For the prayer time at  site proposed    2012/12月/30 [日]

We are praying for that we could pray according to God’s will,

カンボジアから。   2012/12月/30 [日]

