We’re done   2012/12月/15 [土]


Heading for the airport!

This is the Okinawa Cellular Stadium that Yomiuri Giants recently have a camp.

Pastor Nagato   2012/12月/15 [土]


He sends us off to the airport.

Thank you.

February   2012/12月/15 [土]

Goodbye, Pastor Nagato.

The next preparing committee will be held on Feb.

Airport   2012/12月/15 [土]


We’ve arrived at the airport.

Check in   2012/12月/15 [土]


In the domestic flights, he gets the mileages on ANA.

Checked in   2012/12月/15 [土]


Toward gate!

Lounge   2012/12月/15 [土]


I can enter the lounge by grace!

It’s almost dark outside   2012/12月/15 [土]


It’s nighttime, and comfortable.

I’m relaxed, but…   2012/12月/15 [土]


I dropped the juice at the lounge.


Thank you, Lord…

Started to board   2012/12月/15 [土]


Our flight has already started to board.