引き続きセミナーです。   2013/1月/15 [火]


We are having delicious food   2013/1月/15 [火]

This is Sushi.

He wipes his hand before every meal.

They rushed to the meeting   2013/1月/15 [火]

Paster Peter and his wife.


Praise has started   2013/1月/15 [火]

Evangelist Koike is leading praise.

Seminar on prophecy   2013/1月/15 [火]

First half is of Pastor Kitano.

Seminar on prophecy   2013/1月/15 [火]

Pastor Paul Akimoto take charge of the latter half.

He is speaking as free as a fish in a water.

Seminar of Pastor Paul   2013/1月/15 [火]

He is speaking as free as a fish which got water.

続編   2013/1月/15 [火]




Seminar after seminar   2013/1月/15 [火]

A congregation who are listening.

Continuation   2013/1月/15 [火]

The figure of brother Obata 5 years later.

And 10 years later.

This is ideal figure.