The class has finished   2013/1月/27 [日]



After the class, some asked a question and another greeted him in front of the pulpit.


After the class   2013/1月/27 [日]


After Rev. Arai’s class, a gospel time is held.

La Spouza performs in the meeting after a long time.

Fruit of his learning   2013/1月/27 [日]


John experienced healing through a healing prayer.

He talks about the story to Rev. Arai.


26聖人の足跡   2013/1月/27 [日]


Freedom   2013/1月/27 [日]


A gospel group “Freedom” performed near Rev. Arai’s pulpit in the gospel meeting.

His impression   2013/1月/27 [日]


Mr. Obata gave his impression, saying, “Thank you for your good seminar.”

On iPhone   2013/1月/27 [日]


Rev. Arai is a mastor of iPhone to search the key word of the Bible and something more.

Many….   2013/1月/27 [日]


When we have a meeting with Rev. Arai, he gives us many cakes. There are many sacks before us. Did we eat all of them?

Before starting the class   2013/1月/27 [日]


I pointed a iPhone to Pastor Yumino before starting the class, and said, “You are so cool.” But, he said, “I don’t think so.”


First day of this month   2013/1月/27 [日]


We attended the new year special meeting at Mabashi Church. We could learn from Jonah. We look forward to Synerugoi Therapeia, too.