Where are we going?   2013/1月/27 [日]



Pastor Amagai is a driver.

Arrived   2013/1月/27 [日]


We have arrived at Mabashi Church.

Rev. Arai   2013/1月/27 [日]


This is Rev. Arai.

Heading for our church   2013/1月/27 [日]


We are going to our church with a car.

Arrived   2013/1月/27 [日]



We’ve arrived at Tokyo Antioch Church.

In an elevator   2013/1月/27 [日]


This is Rev. Arai.

ホメオパシー!   2013/1月/27 [日]


Rev. Arai has arrived   2013/1月/27 [日]



I changed an angle so that I took the photo from the top. He arrived with a car.

On fourth floor   2013/1月/27 [日]



Rev. Arai is on the fourth floor.

We look forward to the class.

Waiting room   2013/1月/27 [日]


We usually use the Mission’s office as a waiting room.

He is waiting in this room before starting.