他にも色々   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:50


Waiting place   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:48


Now we’re waiting for Pastor Yumino here.

Wow, I can see Pastor Kobayashi over there.

名札が   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:47


In front of Koenji station   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:46


I’ll meet Pastor Yumino in front of the Koenji station. A event is performing here. But it’s not so crowded.

From now   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:44


He’s going picking up Rev. Arai.

待ち合わせ場所で   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:44


Finish!   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:43


We’ll use the board in the class.

We’ve finished before the class!

Seminary staff   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:41


Joy is one of the seminary staff members.
Before starting the class, she’s updating for the blog.

神学生です   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:32


高円寺駅前   2013/4月/27 [土] 13:32
