学生会   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:43


Second Service 1   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:42


Mr. Shiojima is a MC in the second service.

お知らせ!   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:42


First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:41


Pastor Paul delivers a message. He mentions about a children’s care center of Fukushima!

第三礼拝11   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:41


First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:40


We worship the Lord!

First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:39


Today’s Scripture

First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:39


The first service is ready.

First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:38


She’s preparing the elements of bread and wine for the Holy Communion.

First Service   2013/4月/28 [日] 13:37


He’s adjusting the sounds before the first service.